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Aircraft charter flight for Incentive Trips

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Aircraft group charter for Incentive Trips

Incentive travel helps companies reach different objectives and it has been used as an effective way to motivate employees since the 1970s. This form of travel has been growing in popularity and more and more companies are recognising the fact that employees are more motivated with meaningful and personalised perks such as, opting for a charter flight for incentive travel. A report shows that incentive trips as a reward to employees make them feel more valued, which results in loyalty towards their companies. Millennials are normally keener for experiences such as incentive travels rather than material possessions. The journey to their destination is also an important part of the trip, hence charter flights are the best option if you want your staff to have an unforgettable trip.

Opt for charter flights to make incentive travel more enjoyable for employees.
Getting everything ready to go for an incentive trip in a private charter flight.
Incentive travel in charter flights is the best thing you can do to motivate your employees.
Happy employee ready to board in a charter flight for her incentive trip.

Why should you opt for charter flights for incentive travel?

At check-in, during the flights or upon arrival at your itinerary, the main objective is to endure the best flight experience to make it a memorable one for all the passengers. Below are some reasons why a charter flight is the best option:

Customised flights solutions

With a dedicated team at your service 24/7, Luna Group Charter ensures that all your travel needs are met by considering all your requests. Your journey is in good hands as from the moment you book your flight to the time you reach your destination where helicopter or car transfers can be arranged.

Besides, Luna Group Charter can provide you with aircraft branding solutions which usually consist of the following: stickers on the fuselage, headrest covers, branded napkins, branded travel kits, branded sanitary kit, customised carpet with customer logo, personalised on board announcement, branded check-in option with logo on screen and on the boarding passes.

Fast and reliable

Charter flights allow travellers to reach their destination in a fast and reliable way with private terminal and check-ins, as well as direct routes, without the hassles of connecting flights. This allows you to reach faster at your destination which results into more fun times instead of being in airports. Besides, you are more likely to be well-rested after travelling by a private charter.

Comfort and luxury

One of the main benefits of charter flights is the luxury and comfort they provide to passengers. You are welcomed in spacious cabins and elegantly designed interiors which enhance the travel experience. The comfy seats which can be reclined and turned into beds allow you to have maximum rest prior to arrival. Besides, cabin crew and even the pilot are more likely to engage with you during your flight to guarantee optimum service.

Privacy and Confidentiality

Private charter companies such as Luna Group Charter take privacy and confidentiality seriously. With their own private terminal and lounges, passengers are away from all the noises and queues which are usually the hassles of commercial airlines. Employees can even discuss sensitive professional topics without the stress of being overheard.

Exceptional service

From booking to arrival, you can expect the best service from a highly-skilled crew team and also customer care service available 24/7. They are always ready to assist you with anything. Companies are allowed to customise their journey for the incentive trip which is usually booked according to your schedule. For instance, Luna Group Charter can cater for last minute change in travel plans, hosting a party while on-board, in-flight catering and various other perks according to your needs. Such treatment allows you to enjoy the finest things in life.


Charter flights are no doubt safer than commercial airlines, especially during critical times such as the covid-19 pandemic. You wouldn’t want to take any risk as far as the health of your employees is concerned. It is good to know that commercial airlines include 700 touch points compared to only 20 or less touchpoints for private travel. Besides, less crowded terminals and reduced interactions with airport staff or passengers guarantees health and safety for travellers which decrease exposure to the virus.  Additionally, Luna Group Charter guarantees that all safety measures are taken prior to departure until arrival; this helps passengers to be stress-free while travelling.

Pack Whatever You Want

Packing is usually a challenge for many travellers since they are not allowed to bring a lot of luggage. However, this problem can be eliminated easily with charter flights since you have more room to bring all the essential baggage you need which you are sure will land with you safely. You can also bring more hand luggage and you can even bring more volume of liquid with you and not get bothered to take out your electronics during the screening process.

Benefits of incentive travel for your employees and business

Sometimes the best way to give your hard-working employees a break is by getting out of the office and getting indulged in another culture or why not make the most of a sunny destination. It is certainly the best way to feel refreshed and energised, leading to positive impacts on your work in the future. This is possible when you plan an incentive travel for your staff while ensuring the best journey on a charter flight to make the whole experience a great one. It is the best thing you can do to show your team how valuable they are.

Here are some benefits for both your company and your team:

Increase sales

Although incentive travel does not impact sales directly, there is definitely a correlation between increased sales and businesses offering incentive trips. According to a survey into the top 20% of companies who have higher sales quotas than competitors, shows that these companies offered group incentive trips and company-sponsored events to celebrate sale success every year. Having incentive travel as a reward gives employees a reason to do their best at work, which ultimately leads to more sales and growing profits. 

Build morale

Team building is key especially if the workload has been hectic. There’s no better way than being creative with group activities, for instance - why not go for incentive trips and make the journey more pleasant with charter flights? This is the best thing you can do to boost the morale of employees and get them more acquainted with each other for more teamwork in the future as well as to help them develop extra skills.

According to a survey, 84% of managers believe that low morale often leads to decreased employee loyalty and the most surprising fact is that 70% of employees stated that it would increase loyalty and motivation if only managers say thank you more. And what better way to say thanks to employees by asking them to get their passport ready for an incentive trip? 

Recognise good performance

It is important to take into account the good work of any employee to ensure a positive workplace culture. People are more likely to feel valued and keep up with the hard work when their effort is recognised. Business owners tend to believe that money is what keeps employees going but that’s not usually what keeps them happy. Surveys have shown that staff would have been happier if their work were recognised. Saying thank you can be a good start but employers can do a lot more by opting for incentive travels as a means to encourage their staff.

Employee retention and loyalty

All companies want to retain their best employees for organisational success and it is important to keep these key people engaged and motivated to ensure company loyalty and growth. Having staff committed to the cause is equivalent to the input that an owner will do in a business. So, why not go for incentive travels to show employees more appreciation?

Employees who have worked for the business for a long time deserve a good reward and a vacation abroad could mark the occasion. Rewarding staff with the right perks will make them feel more valued, hence they are more likely to stay in the company for a longer period. According to an Oxford economics report, executives highlighted that incentive travels positively impact the morale of employees, leading to job satisfaction and 70% states that it greatly influences employee performance in a good way.

Besides, incentive travels not only benefit your employees but it also helps to portray your company as a top organisation in a particular industry. This happens when your employees start posting on social media how great your company is. This is a powerful way to attract top talents to ensure business growth.

Encourage teamwork

Teamwork is what usually makes the company more efficient to achieve the organisational goal. With healthy competition, employees are more likely to thrive and succeed whereas competition that undermines each other is the way to disaster. Using incentive trips to reward staff is the best way to help them collaborate and get to know each other; this will result in more productivity and effectiveness, which ultimately leads to profitability. Companies can take advantage of this journey to organise some great team building exercises to strengthen professional relationships – for instance, you can plan activities such as treasure hunts or quizzes.

Support employee well-being

It is essential to ensure that all your employees are in good health by giving them some well needed break to help them recover mentally as well as physically. In this way, they will feel more energised and ready to give their best when they are back to work. Research has shown that 62% of employees link poor mental health to work; hence, incentive group travel can be a good option if you want to ensure a positive work environment. This will help them unwind from all the pressures of work and help them be more productive afterwards.

More effective than cash rewards

Surveys showed that 84% of staff favours gift vouchers and experiences rather than cash rewards and millennials have a preference to share experiences with fellow colleagues. So next time you’re about to reward your employee with cash bonuses, why not give a thought about incentive travel and make the whole journey an amazing one by opting for charter flights? These kinds of travels will ensure that they get inspired and cherish memories that will last for a lifetime instead of receiving cash that would have more likely been spent on some mundane things or paying bills.


It is good to keep in mind that a happy employee is a productive employee! Going for an incentive trip is an exciting adventure for any staff and it offers the latter a well-deserved break which is refreshing for the mind and body. Opting for a charter flight for the journey adds the wow factor which your employee is not likely to forget anytime soon due to the customised and impeccable service from companies such as Luna Group Charter. What’s better than flying in total comfort and luxury to an incentive trip from behalf of the company? 

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